Simplify Command-Line Package Management with APT instead

Install on Linux | Singularity Jul 18, 2018 Get Certbot — Certbot 1.6.0.dev0 documentation sudo apt-get install certbot -t stretch-backports In all of these cases, there also packages available to help Certbot integrate with Apache, nginx, or various DNS services. If you are using Apache or nginx, we strongly recommend that you install the python-certbot-apache or python-certbot-nginx package so that Certbot can fully automate HTTPS BigBlueButton : Install If you find and resolve any configuration errors, you can attempt to finish the installation using the command sudo apt-get install -f. Note 3: If you still get errors after sudo apt-get install -f, stop here. The install has not finished and BigBlueButton will not run. See …

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Nov 06, 2018 · The apt-get remove command removes a software from your system but keeps the configuration files and any plugins and settings that you might have installed later. This helps in keeping the same settings when you want to reinstall the software. Run the following command as sudo in order to remove a software; $ sudo apt-get remove “package-name” Jan 30, 2017 · sudo apt-get upgrade This will list the packages it wants to install, tell you how much space it needs for the download, and then get on with it when you tell it to. sudo apt-get install certbot -t stretch-backports In all of these cases, there also packages available to help Certbot integrate with Apache, nginx, or various DNS services. If you are using Apache or nginx, we strongly recommend that you install the python-certbot-apache or python-certbot-nginx package so that Certbot can fully automate HTTPS

sudo apt-get install libuhd-dev libuhd003 uhd-host On Fedora systems, an equivalent command would be: sudo yum install uhd uhd-devel On other distributions, please refer to your package manager's documentation. Using binaries provided by Ettus Research.

Installing Apache Spark on Ubuntu | by Diwakar | Beer Jul 02, 2018 apt-get(8) - Linux man page Causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. check Diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache and checks for broken dependencies. clean Clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.