Looking for geographic details about an IP address? Or maybe you want to find out who is associated with a specific IP. ThatsThem's free reverse IP search provides the most detailed and accurate IP data available.

This free online tool allows you to see the geographical location of any IP address. Just input the IP address and you will be shown the position on a map, coordinates, country, region, city and organization. An IP is a unique address of a server on the internet. Similar to how a telephone number allows you to connect to a specific phone on the telecom network, similarly, an IP address allows your computer to connect to a specific server on the internet. Domain names and IP numbers are the framework upon which the entire world wide web is built. Find out what your public IPv4 and IPv6 address is revealing about you! My IP address information shows your location; city, region, country, ISP and location on a map. Many proxy servers, VPNs, and Tor exit nodes give themselves away. We've got a requirement in a couple of our systems to detect a user's country based on their IP address. We'd prefer to use a database rather than a Web Service (to prevent issues with downtime/network access to an externally hosted service) so I'm looking for recommendations, anyone got any good or bad stories of the various IP to Country Looking for geographic details about an IP address? Or maybe you want to find out who is associated with a specific IP. ThatsThem's free reverse IP search provides the most detailed and accurate IP data available.

This free WHOIS IP lookup tool from UltraTools shows the WHOIS information on a particular domain name or IP address.

phpipam is an open-source web IP address management application (IPAM). Its goal is to provide light, modern and useful IP address management. It is php-based application with MySQL database backend, using jQuery libraries, ajax and HTML5/CSS3 features. Avoiding IP address conflicts today should be relatively easy, especially if you have powerful IPv4 and IPv6 address management. SolarWinds IP Address Manager provides the ability to add IPv6 sites and subnets for planning purposes.

Failed to lookup for this IP address: You have exceeded your daily usage quota. This demo uses data from IP2Location DB24 geolocation database and IP2Proxy PX10 anonymous proxy database for results.

The IP whois information is available for free, and determining the country from this database is relatively easy. When an organization requires a block of IP addresses, a request is submitted and allocated IP addresses are assigned to a requested ISP.