May 01, 2016

What is the latest news on the Swiss withholding tax reform? Accounting for long-term investments in equity instruments; A new French tax on digital services; … Swiss Banks Settlement: In re Holocaust Victim Assets February 5, 2001: A list of 21,000 Holocaust-era Swiss bank accounts is published; the Court approves the CRT Rules. The deadline for filing claims to Deposited Assets is August 11, 2001. The deadline for filing claims to Deposited Assets is August 11, 2001. Swiss Bank Account Secrecy Still Legal in his Famous Region

The new rules for international banks in a nutshell. The provision of (cross-border) financial services of international banks in the Swiss market, as well as the creation of financial instruments for the Swiss market, have undergone a material change with the entry into force of the new Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) on January 1, 2020.

Swiss 10/20/100 Non-Bank Rule - Tax - Switzerland Dec 11, 2017 New Rules for International Banks that Provide Cross

PolitiFact | Mitt Romney had millions in a Swiss bank

The Swiss financial regulator announced Thursday measures that simplify trading rules to facilitate working from home and allow certain routine deadlines and compliance controls to be postponed. What is the latest news on the Swiss withholding tax What is the latest news on the Swiss withholding tax reform? Accounting for long-term investments in equity instruments; A new French tax on digital services; …